Friday, 11 July 2014

Error loading navigation: The Managed Navigation term set is improperly attached to the site. SharePoint 2013

I had come up with this error when I restored my back up to a new web application. After doing the below trick it started to show the navigation tabs

Go to site settings -> Navigation.  Select "Structural Navigation" for global and current Navigation,
Save it and set back to Managed Navigation.

Hope this helps...

Redirecting to a page from a list form button through SharePoint Designer

There are times when you want to redirect to a different page after adding a new item in a list. Here I have done this by creating a new list form and editing the default close/save button using SharePoint Designer. The steps are as below

  • Open the list in share point designer and create a new list form 

set the new form as default list form

  • Edit the form in advance mode.
  • If you want to redirect Close button URL, Search for SharePoint:GoBackButton. Delete the default close button and insert SharePoint form action button from the ribbon bar.  

 select navigate to the page from action list and click settings to specify your URL. If you take a look at the  code behind of the button you will see the following:
<input name="close1" type="close" value="close" onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent('__redirect={Test.aspx}')}"
  • If you want to redirect Save button URL, Search for  SharePoint:SaveButton. Delete the default save button and insert SharePoint form action button from the ribbon bar.  Select Commit and Navigate to page (in this order). Select the Navigate to page (right side) and click settings to specify your home page. 
          If you take a look at the code behind of the button you will see the following:   
  <input name="save1" type="save" value="save" onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent('__commit;__redirect={Test.aspx}')}"
  • Save and Test