Thursday 22 August 2013

Backup and restore the SharePoint 2010 content database to SharePoint 2013 farm

For migrating SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, content database migration is one of the step and it is easy to do.
SQL server DB backup from SharePoint 2010 farm

1. Select the database which you want to perform the backup of the database from SQL Server
2. Make sure the content database is read only. Right click the data base from properties change database read-only to true.

3. Right click on the content database and navigate to the tasks option and select the BACKUP.

4.The destination path will show by default with your content db name.bak
 If you want to provide the specific disk path, Click on Add button, enter your path

5. Select OK in the main Backup form to start the backup process. Once it is completed you will be receiving the completion message.
6. After back up change database read-only to False.
7. Go to Backup path which was provided during the backup process and rename to a user-friendly name
8. Move this file to SharePoint 2013 database server
Now you have to restore the database which you have taken into SharePoint 2013 .

Restore Databases in new SharePoint 2013 Farm environment:
1. Open the SQL server management studio and create a new database. Make sure you selected a db owner while creating a new database.
2. select the databases and select restore database.

3. Enter the newly database name in “Database” section below and Select “Device “option for providing the path as mentioned in the screenshot and click on the file browser button to provide the backup file path
4. Select the "Options" tab, check Overwrite the existing database(WITH REPLACE) check box.
5. Click OK to start the restore process..
Hope this helps...